更新时间:2021-07-02 16:28:55
Spring Microservices
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Chapter 1. Demystifying Microservices
The evolution of microservices
What are microservices?
Microservices – the honeycomb analogy
Principles of microservices
Characteristics of microservices
Microservices examples
Microservices benefits
Relationship with other architecture styles
Microservice use cases
Chapter 2. Building Microservices with Spring Boot
Setting up a development environment
Developing a RESTful service – the legacy approach
Moving from traditional web applications to microservices
Using Spring Boot to build RESTful microservices
Getting started with Spring Boot
Developing the Spring Boot microservice using the CLI
Developing the Spring Boot Java microservice using STS
Developing the Spring Boot microservice using Spring Initializr – the HATEOAS example
What's next?
The Spring Boot configuration
Changing the default embedded web server
Implementing Spring Boot security
Enabling cross-origin access for microservices
Implementing Spring Boot messaging
Developing a comprehensive microservice example
Spring Boot actuators
Configuring application information
Adding a custom health module
Documenting microservices
Chapter 3. Applying Microservices Concepts
Patterns and common design decisions
Microservices challenges
The microservices capability model
Chapter 4. Microservices Evolution – A Case Study
Reviewing the microservices capability model
Understanding the PSS application
Death of the monolith
Microservices to the rescue
The business case
Plan the evolution
Migrate modules only if required
Target architecture
Target implementation view
Chapter 5. Scaling Microservices with Spring Cloud
Reviewing microservices capabilities
Reviewing BrownField's PSS implementation
What is Spring Cloud?
Setting up the environment for BrownField PSS
Spring Cloud Config
Feign as a declarative REST client
Ribbon for load balancing
Eureka for registration and discovery
Zuul proxy as the API gateway
Streams for reactive microservices
Summarizing the BrownField PSS architecture
Chapter 6. Autoscaling Microservices
Reviewing the microservice capability model
Scaling microservices with Spring Cloud
Understanding the concept of autoscaling
Autoscaling approaches
Autoscaling BrownField PSS microservices
Chapter 7. Logging and Monitoring Microservices
Understanding log management challenges
A centralized logging solution
The selection of logging solutions
Monitoring microservices
Data analysis using data lakes
Chapter 8. Containerizing Microservices with Docker
Understanding the gaps in BrownField PSS microservices
What are containers?
The difference between VMs and containers
The benefits of containers
Microservices and containers
Introduction to Docker
Deploying microservices in Docker