Abstract:In the wave of Chinese citizen participate in physical fitness,it is significant that Wushu is taken as one of the physical fitness techniques. In the group of Wushu practicing,middle -old aged participators are chief members. In the modern society,Wushu,the eastern traditional sport event contrasting to western sport,has irreplaceable effects on the society. It is efficient to release the negative effects that are brought to human being by the high technological society. While China is becoming an old aged country,it is important to study on the fitness behaviors of middle-old aged people. The social environment should not be neglected when behaviors of the middle-old ages are studied. Society could determine and influence any individual;on the other hand,individual would react to the society. It is the research content that concentrates on the social attribute of human,on the era of human life,as well as psychological state among people during the present era. From the point of view of social psychology,we can research on the exercising behavior of middle -old aged Wushu participators in cities,approach social psychological factors which influence the behaviors of special Wushu exercising group,help to develop natively traditional culture,promote the continuous and health development of Wushu exercise,serve for physical and psychological health of middle-old aged people in cities and social stably progressing.
The social psychology theory is practiced in the research. Literature and document method,questionnaire and investigation,interviewing and statistical analyzing have been used as main research methods. The questionnaire of Participating Motivation and Adhering Motivation were created according to the standard proceeding. The Exercising Attitude Questionnaire was created under the proceeding of designing a social investigating questionnaire. By the widespread retrieving great documents,interviewing more than 200 participators,questionnaire investigating more than 5000 participators,statistical analyzing data on SPSS,the author studied the theory and practice about exercising motivation,exercising attitude and group interact of Wushu participators in Shanghai,Wuhan and Xian cities.
Principal conclusions:
Firstly,among the main factors of Wushu participating motivation in the three cities,the contribution rate of external motivation was higher than that of internal motivation. The“others affection”was the primary factor. Motivation varied from multiple units to concentration when the geographical position of city changed from western to eastern. Meanwhile,there is a tendency that psychological requirement is growing. There were different attitude within age groups. The middle-aged participators were eager to seek beauty and to gain the spirit releasing. The old aged participators were looking forward to affiliate with society and to live healthily.
Secondly,the external motivational factors were occupying the front two positions in the five persisting exercise motivation factors in the three cities. The requirements for physical and psychological health of participators,who were from Shanghai and Wuhan,were stronger than those from Xian. The requirements for physical and psychological health of old aged participators were stronger than that of middle aged. The group interaction had more efficient affect on the lower educated female.
Thirdly,the middle -old aged Wushu participators'exercising attitude was affected by the region. The factors of old aged participators'attitude,such as fitness content,confiding authorities,group effect,were more confirmative than those of middle aged. The factors of female participators'attitude,such as Confiding authority,Effectiveness identify,scientific exercise,as well as Fitness condition,were more confirmative than those of male participators. The higher education is,the more confirmative factors-fitness content,effectiveness identify-are.
Fourthly,the group interactive relationship of middle-old aged Wushu participator was transferred from passive to initiative,from external to inter nal,from others affection to group interacting,from external motivating to internal physically and psychologically pleasant feeling on the vertical axis. The group interacting relationship on the horizontal axis was showed a tendency that the ranged space varied from narrowness to wideness. The interactions were acting among individuals,individual to group,group to group and group to society. The group interaction of Wushu exercising had different psychological foundation,form and content in different coverage and evolutional period. Group interaction had different psychological efficiency on middle -old aged Wushu participators'exercising motivation and attitude in different participating period.
Finally,some proposals,which should be considered in applying the Nationwide Health for All Projection,were brought forward based on the results of the research project.
Key words:Middle -old age,Wushu exercising activity,Exercising motivation,Exercising attitude,Group interaction,City