Thanksgiving was to be a great day in the Henshaw family. The Henshaw brothers were to entertain. Billy and Aunt Hannah had been invited to dinner; and so joyously hospitable was William's invitation that it would have included the new kitten and the canary if Billy would have consented to bring them.
Once more Pete swept and garnished the house, and once more Dong Ling spoiled uncounted squares of chocolate trying to make the baffling fudge. Bertram said that the entire Strata was a-quiver.
Not but that Billy and Aunt Hannah had visited there before, but that this was different. They were to come at noon this time.
This visit was not to be a tantalizing little piece of stiffness an hour and a half long. It was to be a satisfying, whole-souled matter of half a day's comradeship, almost like old times. So once more the roses graced the rooms, and a flaring pink bow adorned Spunkie's fat neck; and once more Bertram placed his latest "Face of a Girl" in the best possible light. There was still a difference, however, for this time Cyril did not bring any music down to the piano, nor display anywhere a copy of his newest book.
The dinner was to be at three o'clock, but by special invitation the guests were to arrive at twelve; and promptly at the appointed hour they came.
"There, this is something like," exulted Bertram, when the ladies, divested of their wraps, toasted their feet before the open fire in his den.
"Indeed it is, for now I've time to see everything--everything you've done since I've been gone," cried Billy, gazing eagerly about her.
"Hm-m; well, THAT wasn't what I meant," shrugged Bertram.
"Of course not; but it's what I meant," retorted Billy. "And there are other things, too. I expect there are half a dozen new 'Old Blues' and black basalts that I want to see; eh, Uncle William?"she finished, smiling into the eyes of the man who had been gazing at her with doting pride for the last five minutes.
"Ho! Will isn't on teapots now," quoth Bertram, before his brother had a chance to reply. "You might dangle the oldest 'Old Blue'
that ever was before him now, and he'd pay scant attention if he happened at the same time to get his eyes on some old pewter chain with a green stone in it."Billy laughed; but at the look of genuine distress that came into William's face, she sobered at once.
"Don't you let him tease you, Uncle William," she said quickly.
"I'm sure pewter chains with green stones in them sound just awfully interesting, and I want to see them right away now. Come,"she finished, springing to her feet, "take me up-stairs, please, and show them to me."William shook his head and said, "No, no!" protesting that what he had were scarcely worth her attention; but even while he talked he rose to his feet and advanced half eagerly, half reluctantly, toward the door.
"Nonsense," said Billy, fondly, as she laid her hand on his arm.
"I know they are very much worth seeing. Come!" And she led the way from the room. "Oh, oh!" she exclaimed a few moments later, as she stood before a small cabinet in one of William's rooms. "Oh, oh, how pretty!""Do you like them? I thought you would," triumphed William, quick joy driving away the anxious fear in his eyes. "You see, I--Ithought of you when I got them--every one of them. I thought you'd like them. But I haven't very many, yet, of course. This is the latest one." And he tenderly lifted from its black velvet mat a curious silver necklace made of small, flat, chain-linked disks, heavily chased, and set at regular intervals with a strange, blue-green stone.
Billy hung above it enraptured.