The fact that war in its attendant manifestations is a means of promoting the union of peoples seems to me to some extent to mitigate its cruelty.""That sounds very fanciful, Herr major," said the Captain, turning the conversation."But what sort of information do you propose to send by your agents to Dover?""I propose to confirm the Admiral in the idea that we intend to leave the Schelde with the fleet and a number of our private companies' steamers, and, with the support of the French fleet, to throw an army across to Dover.""I am surprised that the English have not even attempted to force our positions.One is almost tempted to believe that the English navy is as inefficient as the English army.If our enemies felt strong enough, they would have appeared long ago before Brest, Cherbourg, Flushing, Wilhelmshaven, or Kiel.Heligoland could not stop a fleet of ironclads from forcing its way into the Elbe; it ought rather to be a welcome object of attack for the English fleet.If I were in command, I should set out against Heligoland with the older ironclads--Albion, Glory, Canopus, Coliath, Ocean, and Vengeance.The little island could hardly resist these six battleships for long, and the German North Sea fleet--supposing one to exist--would be obliged to come out from Wilhelmshaven to save its honour.""The reason they do nothing of the sort is not so much the consciousness of their own weakness, as the fact that they have no one whose genius would be equal to the situation.Certainly, they have several capable admirals, but there is no Nelson among them.
Perhaps our war also would have remained in abeyance, had not the Emperor discovered in our new Chancellor the genius needed by the times.The wars against Denmark, Austria, and France would hardly have taken place without Bismarck's initiative.Even under a most wretched government which commits the grossest blunders great states can exist for a long time; but advancement, real progress is only possible through the intervention of a strong personality.""I am not quite of your opinion.I am convinced that it is economic conditions that from time to time force on great revolutions.Do you think, for instance, that the Russians would have conquered India if the economic conditions of the natives had been better?""Certainly not.Even a great man must have the soil prepared on which to prove his strength.And I think that our Chancellor has appeared on the scene just at the right moment."Heideck took leave of the Commander and retired to his cabin to draw up a report and take a well-deserved rest.
When he sent for M.Camille Penurot on the following morning, he found a striking alteration in him.That foppish gentleman no longer showed the dejection of the day before, his dark eyes were bright and full of confidence.By daylight, Heideck saw that his captive was a good-looking man about thirty years of age, more like a Spaniard than a Netherlander.
He bowed politely to Heideck and then asked, with a certain amount of confidence, "Pardon me, Herr major, if I serve the German Empire well, may I count on an adequate reward?""I have already told you, M.Penurot, that we are prepared to pay more than the English.""Oh, that was not what I meant.You mustn't class me with Maaning Brandelaar and people of that sort."Heideck smiled.
"Will you be good enough to tell me, then, M.Penurot, with whom Iam to class you?"
"I am willing from this moment to devote all my energies to the cause of the allies.""Granted.But what are your wishes in the matter of reward?""I should like you to use your influence to obtain me the honour of an order."Heideck was unable to conceal his astonishment at this strange request.
"Such distinctions are, as a rule, only given in Germany for acts of bravery or for services which cannot be adequately requited in hard cash.""What I am willing to do requires bravery.""You are only going to help me to find out the spies in Antwerp.""But they are dangerous people to make enemies of--people whose tools would be capable of anything.""Rest assured, M.Penurot, that your reward will correspond with the services rendered.You know that I have no order to bestow, and besides, I do not quite understand of what importance a decoration can be to you.""You rate my sense of honour too low, Herr major! But in order that you may understand me, I will tell you a secret.I am in love with a lady of very good family, and her people would be more ready to welcome me, if I had an order.""Then you have fixed your affections very high, I suppose?""That's as one takes it.In the matter of birth, I am in that painful situation which is the inheritance of all children born out of wedlock.My mother was a Spanish dancer, my father is the wealthy Amelungen.He is fond of me and provides for me.It was he who bought the business in Breskens for me.But his wife, who is English, has no liking for me.""I understand you even less than before.If you have such resources at your disposal, why on earth do you mix yourself up in such dangerous undertakings?""Herr Amelungen wished it."
"So, then, he really is the guilty party?""For God's sake, Herr major, you won't abuse my confidence.Ishould never forgive myself if anything I said were to harm Herr Amelungen.""Do not be unnecessarily anxious.Nothing will happen either to you or to Herr Amelungen, if you can induce him to change sides and help us for the future instead of the English."Penurot hung down his head and remained silent.
"And how about Herr van Spranekhuizen in Rotterdam?" continued Heideck."Of course he belongs to the league.""He is my father's brother-in-law.His wife is an Amelungen.""And what is the real reason why these two gentlemen, who I hear are wealthy merchants, have undertaken to act as spies for England?""Oh, there is nothing so wonderful in that, Herr major.France has occupied Belgium, Germany the Netherlands.Of course they are very bitter about it.""That may be.But well-to-do merchants are not in the habit of risking their lives out of pure patriotism in such circumstances.
As a rule, only those people do that who have little to lose.""I have already told you that my father's wife is English.For love of her he does a great deal which certainly nothing else would induce him to do."At this moment Heideck, being informed that the pinnace was ready, requested Penurot to accompany him on board.In the harbour of Flushing he took leave of him for a while, with instructions to call upon him in an hour at his office, having told him exactly where it was.He had no fear that Penurot would attempt flight.
He felt absolutely sure of this gentleman.