第116章 26th April,1838
To Mr.William Hitchin (ENDORSED:recd.May 8,1838)MADRID,APRIL 26,1838.
I TAKE the liberty of herewith sending you my accompt.It is still an imperfect one,the printing of the Basque Gospel not being charged for,which I have not defrayed,together with some other items,for which I am indebted to my printer,who,having lately fought a duel,is laid up with his wounds,and cannot for the present transact business.I have charged here,as you will observe,for the translation of the Basque St.Luke,an item,which I sent in,in a former accompt,but which appears to have been overlooked in your favour of Decr.28,1837.Independent of the Despatch,I have charged for the hire of a room as a general depot for the Scriptures.I am afraid to place my whole stock in the shop,owing to the continual persecution to which I am subjected,notwithstanding I enjoy powerful protection.Only last week a band of ALGUAZILS rushed into the premises and seized 25copies of the Gospel of St.Luke in Rommany which I had advertised.To the present accompt of the money which I have disbursed,you will please to add the previous one of Novr.1837,which I sent in,which will enable you to see how I stand.
I hope the Financial Committee and yourself will excuse any inaccuracies,supposing I have fallen into any,respecting money drawn,as I am much busied in negociations,and have lately been so harassed by vexatious proceedings,that I believe my mind has somewhat suffered.However,glory to God,the Society's shop is open AT MADRID,though we are not allowed to advertise and though it be but a small taper burning amongst Egyptian darkness.I hope it will serve as a watch-light and beacon to some.
I remain,etc.,GEORGE BORROW.
P.S.-The reprint of 1.5sheet was owing to want of care on my part,in the translation.I therefore wish that the amount be struck out from my disbursements.