Unit 1 旅 游
考试频度 ★★★
总体难度 ★★★
旅游模块是口译考试中最为基础的模块,内容主要涉及中国名胜景点宣传介绍的文章。笔者对2003年3月至2005年9月总共24套的中口和高口真题进行了统计,共有7套真题涉及旅游考点,其考频为29. 2%(三星级考点)。具体考点如下:
• 故宫 the Imperial Palace
• 紫禁城 the Forbidden City
高口真题 2004. 3 A卷实考例句:故宫为明清两代帝王寝宫,当时名为“紫禁城”,是当今遗留下来的最大的中国古代建筑群。
(《中口》 P424、448课文内容,实句分析见模板句型部分)
• 园林建筑 garden architecture
• 西湖 West Lake
• 苏堤 Su Causeway
• 白堤 Bai Causeway
• 灵隐寺 Temple of the Soul's Retreat
• 飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar
• 六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies
• 虎跑泉 Tiger Spring
• 苏绣 Suzhou Embroidery
• 寒山寺 Hanshan Temple
• 虎丘山 Tiger Hill
• 拙政园 Humble Administrator's Garden
• 沧浪亭 Pavilion of Surging Waves
• 狮子林 Lion Forest Garden
• 留园 Lingering Garden
• 旅行社 travel agency
• 报价 quotation
• 包价旅行 package tour
• 团体旅行 group tour
• 散客 individual tourist
• 住宿 accommodation
• 膳食 meals
• 交通 transportation
• 游览 sightseeing
• 衣食住行 clothing, meals, accommodation/shelter, transportation
• 点 spot; site; resort; attraction;
• 名胜景点 scenic spot; tourist attraction destination; must; mecca
• 历史古迹 historical site
• 名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites
• 避暑胜地 summer resort
• 游客必经之地 tourist destination/must/mecca
• 山水风光 landscape
• 祭坛/圣坛 altar
• 亭阁 pavilion
• 楼 mansion, tower
• 台 terrace
• 塔 pagoda
• 殿堂 hall
• 陵墓 tomb, mausoleum
• 关 pass
• 石窟 grotto
• 络绎不绝 an endless stream
• 美不胜收 too many beautiful things to
• 闻名遐迩 known far and wide be appreciated at once
• 墨客骚人 famous men of letters
• 奇峰异石 picturesque peaks and rocks
• 奇花异草 exotic flowers and herbs
1. 苏杭这两座邻近上海的历史名城以其秀丽的景色每年吸引了数以百万计的海内外游客。
模板句型:Suzhou and Hangzhou, the two historic cities near/adjacent to Shanghai attract millions of domestic and overseas tourists with their scenic beauty.
2. 例如,中国南方园林建筑艺术的典范、迷人的苏州造景园林在有限的空间内造就了无数自然景观。
模板句型:For example, the charming landscape gardens of Suzhou, typical of China's southern garden architecture, contain numerous created landscape within a limited space.
3. (西湖)湖心有小瀛洲,青松朱栏映照在湖中。湖上堤径相连,有唐朝诗人白居易建成的白堤及北宋诗人苏东坡筑成的苏堤。
模板句型:In its center are small islands where green pine trees and red parapets are reflected in the water. Stretching out across the lake are Bai Causeway, built by the Tang poet Bai Juyi, and Su Causeway, built by the Northern Song poet Su Dongpo.
4. 沿江而行,两岸的各种景观一一展现在眼前,只见苍翠奇特的群山隐现在雾中,在石壁间又可见坐落在竹林中的小村落。
模板句型1:As the boat drifts along the river, a variety of scenes on each bank are unfolded before you. Wreathed in a mist here and there are green rock pinnacles. Villages inlay bamboo groves among the various giant rocks.
模板句型2:As the boat drifts along the river, you may feast your eyes on a variety of scenes on each bank. Green rock pinnacles loom over in the mist. Villages inlay bamboo groves among the various giant rocks.
模板句型精析:这句话又是“中国风”的延续,可采用“多主句”的处理原则,选择不同的主语。请特别注意第二个模板句型,“主语(模糊主语you)+feast one's eyes on”的搭配在旅游模块中很常用,用以表示游客在欣赏美景时“大饱眼福”。除此以外,其他重点标注的词汇也须熟记,它们的考查频率也不低。
5. 泰山地处我国山东省的中部,绵延200多公里,其巅峰海拔1545米。
模板句型:Located in the center of China's Shandong Province, Mt. Tai stretches over 200 kilometers, with its peak rising to 1545 meters above sea level.
常见不当译文:Mt. Tai is located in the center of China's Shandong Province, Mt. Tai stretches over 200 kilometers and Mount Tai's peak rises to 1545 meters above sea level.
6. 历代文人雅士墨客所留下的1300多处石刻碑文,令游客目不暇接,叹为观止。
模板句型:Tourists will invariantly marvel at the vast number of stone inscriptions left in more than 1,300 places by famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties.
常见不当译文:The vast number of stone inscriptions left in more than 1,300 places by famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasties astonished tourists.
模板句型精析:第二种译文的问题在于过分循规蹈矩,以致句子结构头重脚轻,前后失衡。而模板句型通过活用marvel at,将译文句序倒置,使其更符合英语的表达习惯,这是非常典型的对“多主句”的巧妙处理。考生如果在翻译时遇到类似结构,完全可以打破逐字逐句翻译的模式,而依照模板句型的句式,将原句的主语和宾语进行对调。
7. 九寨沟位于我国阿坝藏族自治州境内,是一片纵深达35公里的自然风景区。
模板句型:Located in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Jiuzhaigou is a scenic zone which stretches 35 kilometers.
常见不当译文:Jiuzhaigou is located in the Aba Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture; it is a scenic zone which stretches 35 kilometers.
8. (九寨沟)风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静幽远的湖泊、品种繁多的珍禽异兽,这些都构成了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。
模板句型:The scenic zone boasts perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests, stretches of serene lakes and various rare and precious fauna and flora, which contribute to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou.
常见不当译文:The perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests, stretches of serene lakes and various rare and precious fauna and flora in the scenic zone contribute to the unique views of Jiuzhaigou.
9. 来到北京的观光客自然都会游览故宫和长城。
模板句型1:For tourists to Beijing, the Imperial Palace and the Great Wall are a must.
模板句型2:The Imperial Palace and the Great Wall are always among the priority of tourists to Beijing.
常见不当译文:Tourists to Beijing will surely visit the Imperial Palace and the Great Wall.
模板句型精析:常见不当译文的缺点在于表达不够地道。通过比较不难发现,模板句型1活用了must一词,由此还可引申出词组tourist destination (游客的必经之地);而模板句型2则在句型上更为正式。这两种译法均改换了主语,使表达显得更为贴切、自然。
10. 北京世界公园于90年代初在北京兴建,是北京的最新旅游景点。
模板句型:Established in the early 1990s, The Beijing World Park is the latest scenic spot in Beijing.
常见不当译文:The Beijing World Park was established in the early 1990s, it is the latest scenic spot in Beijing.
11. 北京世界公园的规模雄踞亚洲同类公园之冠,所收微缩复制品的数量也堪称亚洲之最。
模板句型:The Beijing World Park is the largest park of its kind, with mini replicas on the largest scale in Asia.
常见不当译文:The Beijing World Park is the first park of its kind in scale, and its mini replicas have the greatest amount in Asia.
12. 这些旅游景观制作精巧,工艺精湛,其中大多数为原作的精确复制品,用料均为白玉、大理石、上乘花岗岩或其他优质石料。
模板句型:The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of excellent workmanship. Most of them are featured by the exact replicas of the original, with white jade, marble, top-grade granite and other superior quality stone.
13. 公园的东北角有一条300米长的国际街。
模板句型1:In the northeastern corner of the park lies a 300-meter-long international street.
模板句型2:There is a 300-meter-long international street in the northeastern corner of the park.
模板句型精析:这又是一句足以将口译考生扼杀在摇篮里的句子,其主要句型特点是无主语。但句子只是貌似无主语,其实完全可以通过模板句型1中的倒装句型结构以及模板句型2中的there be存在句型完成翻译。
1. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, from tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.
2. A wide range of hotel, motel and apartment accommodation is available in most cities, major resorts and many rural areas.
模板句型精析:常见不当译文的翻译腔显露无遗。这里的问题集中体现在对be available的处理上。在很多情况下,这个词不能根据字面意思进行翻译。比如模板句型1中采用了增词法,增加了主语;而模板句型2中则采用了“多主句”的译法,选择了主语并增加了“提供”,这两种译法都能够使译文更加地道。
3. There are a variety of restaurants to suit all tastes and pockets, from top-class restaurants with international cuisine to small coffee shops serving snacks.
模板句型精析:常见不当译文的主要问题还是翻译腔太明显,虎头蛇尾。而模板句型则将from...to... 结构前置,并通过增词法及转序法保持了句子结构的平衡。
4. The quotation is calculated on a per-person basis for a group of 10 or more adults.
模板句型精析:常见不当译文所存在的问题显而易见,主要原因在于对on a... basis以及for的处理不当。笔者将这类介词或介词结构概括为“假动词”,在翻译时往往要译为动词,并要改换顺序。
1. 这座历史悠久的复合宫殿面积宏大,南北千米,东西750米,处处红柱黄瓦,尽显其特色。
模板句型:The historical, spacious palace compound stretches one kilometer from north to south and 750 meters on its east-west axis. The palace is characterized/featured everywhere by red pillars and yellow tiles.
模板句型精析:这句话的难点在于中文四字格的处理,比如:“面积宏大”和“南北千米”。模板句型中首先用spacious将第一个四字格的意思简化,接下去的stretch则是针对四字格缺少谓语的普遍现象采用了增词法,增加了句子的主干谓语,将全句盘活。而be characterized/featured by这个模板句型在前面的句子中已经出现过,这里再次得以灵活运用。考生需要注意的是,有时候原文中未必有“特色”两个字,但只要原句中体现出宣传的语气,均可采用be characterized/featured by作句子的谓语。
2. 宽50米的护城河,以及10米高的围墙,将这座皇宫重重保护着,只留下四个出口。
模板句型:The compound is surrounded/protected by a 50-meter-wide moat and 10-meter-high wall and is linked with the rest of the city via four gates.
比较译文:The 50-meter-wide moat and 10-meter-high wall protects the compound, leaving only 4 exits.
3. 而今,整座“紫禁城”被用作国家博物馆,陈列着众多珍贵的古代文物,包括中国瓷器、古物以及铜制工艺品。
模板句型1:However, today the entire Forbidden City complex functions as a national museum, where one can see a large variety of treasured cultural relics, including all magnificent collection of antique porcelain and bronze artifacts.
模板句型2:However, today the entire Forbidden City complex functions as a national museum, where a large variety of treasured cultural relics are on display, including all magnificent collection of antique porcelain and bronze artifacts.
比较译文:However, today the entire Forbidden City complex is used as a national museum, a large variety of treasured cultural relics are on display there, including all magnificent collection of antique porcelain and bronze artifacts.
模板句型精析:比较译文的不足之处在于用词欠专业,而且句子之间缺乏连贯性。通过与模板句型的比较可以看出,宣传介绍类文字中表用途的模块词往往是function as,而且模板句型通过where这个关系副词的运用,使整个句子产生了意想不到的效果和美感。除此之外,模板句型1使用了模糊主语one,既符合句子的主旨大意,又能够增加考官的印象分和起评分,是考生需要掌握的译法。
4. 西安的考古遗址及其周边地区的旅游景观使游客时时感受到这座城市的昔日辉煌。
模板句型:The archaeological sites in Xi'an and its neighboring areas remind the visitors of the city's past glory.
常见不当译文:The archaeological sites in Xi'an and its neighboring areas make the visitors feel the city's past glory.
模板句型精析:宣传介绍类内容中涉及回顾的地方,往往可以使用remind...of... 结构,使译文更具怀旧意味。
5. 除了世界著名的兵马俑,遍布城市内外的历史古迹和自然风景数不胜数。
模板句型1:Besides the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, there are countless other historic sites and natural settings scattered in and around the city.
模板句型2:Besides the world-famous Terra Cotta Warriors, countless other historic sites and natural settings are scattered in and around the city.
模板句型精析:这句话乍一看是一个无主句,其实主语在句子的后半部分。在这里,除了以“历史古迹和自然风景”为主语以外,也可以采用模板句型1中的there be存在句型,但需要注意最后的scattered这个分词结构。考生应对此进行强化训练,形成脱口而出的语感。
6. 碑林始建于1090年,是刻有大量儒家经典著作的碑文。
模板句型:The Forest of Steles, originally built in 1090, enjoys a large collection of the Confucian classics.
Walk around the thermal areas. Look for wildlife along rivers and streams. Have a picnic under a big tree. Listen to the wild roar and feel the spray on your face.
Shanghai in the Eyes of a Young Singaporean
80 years ago Shanghai was already crowned as the "Oriental Paris", which is equal in fame to international metropolis London and Paris. Today, it is viewed as a "global business hub" and it is only a matter of time before it becomes the "New York of the East". Last month, I visited Shanghai for the first time. During my brief stay of five days and four nights, I experienced first-hand the buzzing dynamism of modern Shanghai as a metropolis.
The city has a population of nearly 17 million, which underlies its immense market potential. People from different social strata in Shanghai can take their pick from a wide range of choices based on their consumption powers—from paying 3 yuan for a bowl of traditional la mian to 20 yuan for a cup of cappuccino. Sandwiched between the very rich and very poor are the Xiaokang or moderately well-off families and the middle-class. Thus, businesses can find a position on the market for themselves by catering to the needs of their targeted groups of consumers. Following the fashion greatly propels the consumption of Shanghai citizens. 70 or 80 years ago, old Shanghai's public concessions left historical memories, which make Shanghai natives easier to join modern metropolis' international consuming trends, compared with other people in China.
Indeed, the many facilities developed by foreigners in Shanghai in the early 20th century have paved the way for modern Shanghai to rejoin the rank of global cities. First-time visitors to Shanghai will invariably first be captivated by the soaring skyscrapers that symbolize the metropolis' wealth and glamour. Across the skyline of the Bund is China's tallest building—the 88-storey Jin Mao Tower—in Pudong New Area. But it is said that the tower will cease to be the tallest when the Global Financial Centre project, a 94-storey edifice invested by Japanese investors, is completed two years later.
If the towering skyscrapers are the signs of Shanghai's economic prosperity and attract both domestic and overseas talents to converge in the metropolis to realize their ambitious dreams, a variety of recreational and entertainment activities are the manifestation of a colorful and interesting life in shanghai, which lures Chinese and overseas tourists flocking to the city. Shanghai presents a unique mix of East and West as well as new and old in wining, dining and merry-making. While the choices are increasingly global, consumer goods are cheaper than that in most big cities. Not surprisingly, discerning tourists recognize it at once as a shoppers' paradise when they arrive in Shanghai.
The vast variety of merchandise alone may not be enough to make the tourists come back. But meticulous and excellent service will. The Shanghainese whom you see on the street will remind you of the congestion and apathy typical of a thriving city. Yet, stepping into any fast-food restaurant, you will be greeted with warm and friendly service from young waiters and waitresses. They will make you rethink what makes the city tick. Just raise your hand and no matter how busy the waiters and waitresses are, someone will attend to you with a reply: "Right away!" They speak clearly and know their job well and I'm only talking about ordinary service personnel. This is a good indication of how competitive the young people in Shanghai are.
The tour guide in Shanghai who showed us around speaks fairly good English. He came from Xiamen and has just graduated from a Shanghai university. "It's easy to find a job in Shanghai but hard to get one that one is perfectly happy with," he said.
I told him: "It's not easy now even for graduates in Singapore to land a job. Singaporeans are also choosy. And the worst thing is there aren't that many jobs in the market. "
He said with a smile: "At least the people in Shanghai don't have to worry about that. "
Well, I did not come into contact with that many young people in Shanghai during my trip, but those whom I've met at fast-food restaurants and cafes no doubt struck me as highly-efficient, quick-thinking and full of drive. Young Singaporeans seem to lack the astuteness and dynamism that they possess.
It is true that a people's character is, to a great extent, shaped by the environment they live in. But if we rest on our laurels, we risk losing our vitality. And a city with little life will not be able to attract tourists, let alone retain its talent.
1. 80年前的上海已有“东方的巴黎”之称,和国际大都会伦敦、巴黎齐名。
模板句型:80 years ago Shanghai was already crowned as the "Oriental Paris", which is equal in fame to international metropolis London and Paris.
常见不当译文:80 years ago Shanghai was already the so-called "Oriental Paris", and like such international metropolises as London and Paris, it was world famous.
模板句型精析:此句为上海的模块宣传句,常见不当译文中采用的so-called不但过于口语化,而且还带有贬义色彩。因此建议考生学会使用be crowned as结构,从而体现出文中褒扬的意思。此外,建议考生将“和……齐名”译为equal in fame to...,因为这种译法更简洁、地道。
2. 上海人口近1700万,人口之众,决定了市场潜力。
模板句型:The city has a population of nearly 17 million, which underlies its immense market potential.
常见不当译文:The city has a population of nearly 17 million. The population is so big that it determines its market potential.
3. 在上海,上、中、下各阶层各有消费天地。3元吃一碗拉面,或是20元喝一杯卡布奇诺,丰俭由人。
模板句型:People from different social strata in Shanghai can take their pick from a wide range of choices based on their consumption powers—from paying 3 yuan for a bowl of traditional la mian to 20 yuan for a cup of cappuccino.
常见译文对比:In Shanghai people from all walks of life have their consumption styles. Paying 3 yuan for a bowl of traditional la mian or 20 yuan for a cup of cappuccino, people can make their own choices from a wide range.
模板句型精析:这句话的关键在于前后两个意群之间的联系。第一个意群是总括,第二个意群是具体的例证。同时,“各有消费天地”和“丰俭由人”的意思相近。由于在实际考试中往往会漏记或漏译,因此考生未必一定要像常见译文那样逐字逐句翻译。笔者建议考生采用模板句型a wide range of choices的译法并将其前置,而后面则用from... to... 列举。
4. 赶时髦是上海人消费的一大推动力。
推荐模板句型:Following the fashion greatly propels the consumption of Shanghai citizens.
常见译文对比:Following the fashion is one big driving force behind the consumption in Shanghai.
模板句型精析:这句话的难点在于如何翻译“是”字。对于系动词,考生如果采用常见译文的译法,很有可能无法翻译出“推动力”(driving force)这一词组。因此,强烈建议考生采用模板句型的译法,将其直接翻译成动词propel。这种模块译法叫做“动静转换”,即将“be+名词”转化为“动词”。
5. 七八十年前,旧上海的公共租界所遗留下来的历史记忆,让上海人较其他地区的中国人更容易投入现代城市国际化的消费趋势。
模板句型:70 or 80 years ago, old Shanghai's public concessions left historical memories, which make Shanghai natives easier to join modern metropolis' international consuming trends, compared with other people in China.
常见不当译文:Historical memories of the International Settlements in old Shanghai 70 or 80 years ago make it much easier for Shanghai natives than people in other parts of China to join the mainstream of the international consumer trends in modern metropolis.
模板句型精析:这个句子如果采用常见不当译文的译法,主语会变得非常长。在口译过程中,考生如果来不及译出谓语部分,则会因翻译不完整、不连贯而大大失分。因此,强烈建议考生将“旧上海的公共租界所遗留下来的历史记忆”这部分先转化成句子,并用which引导定语从句(如模板句型所示)。这是典型的“转句法”,即将词或短语转化为句子,以便在考场中增加得分机会。除此之外,“公共租界”除了可译为international settlements,还可译为public concessions,因为concession有“让步”的意思,很符合语境。
6. 事实上,20世纪初外国人在上海建设的众多设施,是今日上海重新跻身国际城市之列的基础。
模板句型:Indeed, the many facilities developed by foreigners in Shanghai in the early 20th century have laid the foundation for / have paved the way for modern Shanghai to rejoin the rank of global cities.
常见不当译文:Indeed, the many facilities developed by foreigners in Shanghai in the early 20th century have become the basis for modern Shanghai to rejoin the rank of global cities.
模板句型精析:本组意群之间的关键词是“基础”,强调的是基础和结果的关系,在这种情况下,建议考生采用模块结构lay foundation for或者pave the way for,它们都是非常正式得体的串联方式。而常见不当译文的弊端是过于随意和口语化,不适合用于正式语体中。
7. 如果说高楼林立代表了上海的经济繁荣,吸引了国内外人才汇集此地大展拳脚,那么休闲娱乐选择之多,则表现了上海多姿多彩的城市生活,吸引了海内外游客纷纷前来上海观光旅游。
模板句型:If the towering skyscrapers are the signs of Shanghai's economic prosperity and attract both domestic and overseas talents to converge in the metropolis to realize their ambitious dreams, a variety of recreational and entertainment activities are the manifestation of a colorful and interesting life in shanghai, which lures Chinese and overseas tourists flocking to the city.
常见不当译文:If the towering skyscrapers represent Shanghai's economic prosperity and attract both domestic and overseas talents to converge in the metropolis to realize their ambitious dreams, a variety of recreational and entertainment activities represent a colorful and interesting life in shanghai and lure Chinese and overseas tourists flocking to the city.
模板句型精析:这句话的高频用词是“代表”,常见不当译文采用了represent一词。在此要提醒考生,如果在考场上反复使用某个词,则会影响印象分和起评分。在这里,除了模板句型中所推荐的高频用词外,还可以采用symbolize, signify, stand for等高频近义词进行替换,这更符合西方人用词丰富的语言表达风格。除此以外,模板句型中which所引导的定语从句,是针对长句采取的断句译法,这也是考生需要掌握并巩固的一项基本翻译技法。
8. 一个缺乏活力和生机的城市难吸引游客,更别说留住人才了。
模板句型1:A city with little vigor and life will not be able to attract tourists, let alone/not to mention retain its talents.
模板句型2:A city with little vigor and life will find it difficult to attract tourists, and more difficult to retain its talents.
模板句型精析:这句话是否定递进结构,因此有相当一部分考生在结构上卡壳。这里为考生提供了两种高频模板句型。句型1中的let alone和not to mention是典型的否定递进结构;而句型2则巧妙地运用了difficult的比较级结构,这在口译中是典型的“反译法”。
Step 1 拼音法:一般来说,具体景点可先直接用拼音表达,因为其本身就是中国的事物,口译时将拼音尾音略上扬一下即可。
Step 2 “由粗到细”法:拼音之后,一般需加上or(“即”的意思)进行具体的注释。但口译时切忌纠缠于细枝末节,只需翻出其本质即可。比如:“紫禁城”如无法译成the Forbidden City,可试着译为Zijin Chen, or traditional Chinese city in Beijing,这种译法虽然在笔译中不尽完美,但在口译中可视为有限时间内不错的译文,因为译文基本达意。在翻译时,考生还需注意背景知识,比如:“朱家角”切莫译成corner,因为这里的“角”不是“角落”(corner)之意,而表示镇(town)。
Step 3 再次拼音法:注释译法之后,在口试环节中如再遇到相同景点,则只需用拼音即可,这样既达意,又能在时间上有所保证。