code {
font-size: 0.85em;
color: #000080;
HTML and CSS are foundational languages for the web. For example, you can use `<div>
` to define a container in HTML and style it with `background-color: blue;
` in CSS.
In JavaScript, you can create a function like this: `const add = (a, b) => a + b;
This function takes two parameters and returns their sum.
For Markdown files, inline code is written using backticks, like ``inline code example`
When working with Python, you might use a statement like `print("Hello, World!")
` to display output. Similarly, SQL queries like `SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 25;
` are crucial for database management.
Special characters such as `&, <, >
` must be properly escaped to display correctly in HTML.
在编写程序时,变量的命名非常重要。例如,我们可以使用 `变量名 = "值"
` 来定义一个变量。在 Python 中,打印输出通常用 `print("问天地好在!")
对于前端开发,HTML 标签的定义可能是这样的:`<div>一段文字内容。</div>
`,而 CSS 样式则可以这样定义:`color: #d30000;
` 表示将文本设置为红色。
在算法中,比如使用 JavaScript 编写冒泡排序,代码片段可能类似于:`for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
数据库查询时,常见语句是:`SELECT * FROM 表名 WHERE 条件;
注意,在 HTML 中,某些特殊字符(如 `<`, `>` 和 `&`)需要转义为 `<`, `>`, `&
这个Excel公式 =IF(A1>100, "High", IF(A1>50, "Medium", IF(A1>0, "Low", "Invalid"))) & " - " & TEXT(SUM(A2:A10), "$#,##0.00") & " - " & IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B1, D1:E10, 2, FALSE), "Not Found") & " - " & CONCATENATE("Total: ", SUM(C1:C5), " Items")