Dialogue 对话 Uma Wang
“The clothes I design act like a bridge –they connect me with likeminded people.
Fashion Designer:时装设计师
Fashion designer Uma Wang launched her self-titled label in 2009 and has since become one of the biggest names in the Chinese fashion industry. Her designs are stocked in boutiques across the world and she now lives and works in Shanghai and Italy with her cat, Umi.

Uma Wang photographed in her studio in Shanghai.
Uma Wang摄于其上海工作室。
中国独立服装设计师Uma Wang于2009年创立了她的个人品牌UMA WANG,并逐渐成长为知名时装设计先锋品牌。她设计的成衣在全球多家精品店均有展售。她目前工作生活在上海和意大利,有一只名为Umi的小猫。
Your clothes are almost more art than they are fashion. With that in mind, who are the designs created for?
My designs are personal, like art, as opposed to tailor-made for people. When I began my label, I wasn't thinking about making clothes for specific kinds of people, but when they're on sale they seem to magnetically attract buyers who share my philosophy, and when I meet those people it's like we've been friends for years. The clothes I design act like a bridge – they connect me with likeminded people.
How did you first realise fashion design was going to be big part of your life?
It was my friends who saw I had an eye for style. When I was about 14 years old we were allowed to buy new clothes for the Chinese New Year, and my friends would always ask me to go to the department stores with them to help them choose. They all wrote in myyearbook how much they wanted me to be a famous designer in the future.
You studied at the Chinese Textile University. Were there any teachers there who stood out as a mentor?
My teacher Bao Mingxing, who influenced me a lot was very into the history of design and textiles. That had a huge impact on my education and my knowledge. I always feel quite lucky to have many teachers and benefactors to help me along the way.
People tend to dress in order to represent how they are feeling on a particular day. How do you want someone to feel when they are wearing Uma Wang?
First of all they have to be comfortable. That's a necessity. And it's not just about the way you wear something –clothes have to match the aura around you, your personality, your essence. Youhave to let the clothes enhance who you really are.
Who would you most like to dress?
The ordinary people, the women in our society. I want to give them confidence. That's such a significant part of my job: empowering the everyday woman rather just focusing on the famous people. Some of my customers have told me that my garments feel like home. I like to think of my clothes as being a sort of protection, an armour.
Q: How have you seen Shanghai's attitude to fashion change in the last 10 years?
There have been tremendous changes. Shanghai Fashion Week, for example, is now a landmark for the Chinese design industry and excels itself every year. The energy of these young designers is incredible and so inspiring. It means there is energy in our future.
“Clothes have to match the aura around you, your personality, your essence.
我做设计的时候确实挺像艺术创作的,比起帮别人去定制,更像是我个人、自我的一种表达。我最开始创立UMA WANG的时候,没多想这是为哪类人设计的。但当这些服装面向大众的时候,就会发现它们在吸引着一群跟我哲学理念相通的人,就像多年未见的老朋友一样。我的设计就像一座桥—把我和志趣相投的人联系起来。
人们常常通过不同的着装来表达自我,当人们穿着UMA WANG的时候,你希望他们感受到什么?