100BC Born in Rome.
81 Refuses Sulla's order to divorce his wife; goes on the run.
80-78 Early military service; wins civic crown.
75 Travels east to study under masters of rhetoric; captured by pirates.
72 Elected as military tribune.
69 Elected as quaestor.
65 Elected as aedile.
63 Conspiracy of Catiline; elected as pontifex maximus.
62 Serves as praetor; finds an angry mob ready to riot on his behalf.
61-60 Serves as governor of Spain, chooses between triumph or consulship.
59 First consulship; formation of triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey.
58 Beginning of proconsulship; defeats Ariovistus.
55 Bridges the Rhine, first invasion of Britain.
54 Second invasion of Britain, death of daughter and mother.
53 Crassus killed in battle against the Parthians.
52 War with Vercingetorix culminates in the siege of Alesia.
49 Crosses the Rubicon; the Civil War begins.
48 First dictatorship; second consulship; defeats Pompey in Greece; wins surrender of superior naval squadron; Pompey murdered in Egypt.
47 Stops a rebellion in Italy with one word; campaigns in North Africa.
46 Third consulship.
45 Battle of Munda; fourth consulship; appointed dictator for life.
44 Murdered by senators; posthumous adoption of Octavius.
42 Deified by the Senate.
27 Octavius hailed as Augustus, and becomes Rome's first Emperor.