29 从属连词as引导让步状语从句时通常须倒装
(1)Small though(or as)the molecule is, the atom is much smaller than it.
(2)From now on, when anyone in our ranks who has done some useful work dies, be he soldier or cook, we should have a funeral ceremony and a memorial meeting in his honor.
请问句中的be he这种倒装形式为什么不用whether?能给我详细地解释一下吗?谢谢!
(3)Improbable as it seems, it’s true.
(4)Great as Newton was, many of his ideas have been challenged today and are being modified by the work of scientists of our time.(尽管牛顿是位伟大的人物,但是他的许多观点在当今也受到质疑,并被当今的科学家的研究所修正。)
(5)Though they know the war is lost, they continue to fight.
(6)Strange though it may seem, he arrived early.
(7)Hardworking though he was, there was never enough money to pay the bills.
(8)Strange though it may seem(Though it may seem strange), he remained single all his life.
(二)be he…or…是一种省略的倒装结构,等于whether he be…or…,因省去whether而倒装,这种倒装已经少用,通常只用于较正式的书面语中,而用whether he be…or…的情况则较为常见,例如:
(9)Whether he be right or wrong, he will have my unswerving support.(不管他是对还是错,他都将会得到我坚定的支持。)