Live cluster updates
One of the most complicated and risky tasks involved in running a Kubernetes cluster is a live upgrade. The interactions between different parts of the system in different versions are often difficult to predict, but in many situations, it is required. Large clusters with many users can't afford to be offline for maintenance. The best way to attack complexity is to pide and conquer. Microservice architecture helps a lot here. You never upgrade your entire system. You just constantly upgrade several sets of related microservices, and if APIs have changed, then you upgrade their clients, too. A properly designed upgrade will preserve backward-compatibility at least until all clients have been upgraded, and then deprecate old APIs across several releases.
In this section, we will discuss how to go about updating your cluster using various strategies such as rolling updates, blue-green deployments, and canary deployments. We will also discuss when it's appropriate to introduce breaking upgrades versus backward-compatible upgrades. Then we will get into the critical topic of schema and data migrations.
Rolling updates
Rolling updates are updates where you gradually update components from the current version to the next. This means that your cluster will run current and new components at the same time. There are two different cases to consider here:
- New components are backward-compatible
- New components are not backward-compatible
If the new components are backward-compatible, then the upgrade should be very easy. In earlier versions of Kubernetes, you had to manage rolling updates very carefully with labels and change the number of replicas gradually for both the old and new versions (although kubectl rolling-update is a convenient shortcut for replication controllers). But, the Deployment resource introduced in Kubernetes 1.2 makes it much easier and supports replica sets. It has the following capabilities built in:
- Running server side (it keeps going if your machine disconnects)
- Versioning
- Multiple concurrent rollouts
- Updating deployments
- Aggregating status across all pods
- Rollbacks
- Canary deployments
- Multiple upgrade strategies (rolling upgrade is the default)
Here is a sample manifest for a deployment that deploys three nginx pods:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 3 selector:
app: nginx
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.7.9 ports:
- containerPort: 80
The resource kind is Deployment and it's got the name nginx-deployment, which you can use to refer to this deployment later (for example, for updates or rollbacks). The most important part is, of course, the spec, which contains a pod template. The replicas determine how many pods will be in the cluster, and the template spec has the configuration for each container. In this case, this is just a single container.
To start the rolling update, create the Deployment resource and check that it rolled out successfully:
$ k create -f nginx-deployment.yaml
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment created
$ k rollout status deployment/nginx-deployment
deployment "nginx-deployment" successfully rolled out
Deployments have an update strategy, which defaults to rollingUpdate:
$ k get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml | grep strategy -A 4
maxSurge: 25%
maxUnavailable: 25%
type: RollingUpdate
The following diagram illustrates how a rolling update works:

Figure 3.4: How a rolling update progresses
Complex deployments
The Deployment resource is great when you just want to upgrade one pod, but you may often need to upgrade multiple pods, and those pods sometimes have version inter-dependencies. In those situations, you must sometimes forgo a rolling update or introduce a temporary compatibility layer. For example, suppose service A depends on service B. Service B now has a breaking change. The v1 pods of service A can't interoperate with the pods from service B v2. It is also undesirable from both reliability and change-management points of view to make the v2 pods of service B support the old and new APIs. In this case, the solution may be to introduce an adapter service that implements the v1 API of the B service. This service will sit between A and B, and will translate requests and responses across versions. This adds complexity to the deployment process and requires several steps, but the benefit is that the A and B services themselves are simple. You can do rolling updates across incompatible versions and all indirection will go away once everybody upgrades to v2 (all A pods and all B pods).
But rolling updates are not always the answer.
Blue-green deployments
Rolling updates are great for availability, but sometimes the complexity involved in managing a proper rolling update is considered too high, or it adds a significant amount of work that pushes back more important projects. In these cases, blue-green upgrades provide a great alternative. With a blue-green release, you prepare a full copy of your production environment with the new version. Now you have two copies, old (blue) and new (green). It doesn't matter which one is blue and which one is green. The important thing is that you have two fully independent production environments. Currently, blue is active and services all requests. You can run all your tests on green. Once you're happy, you flip the switch and green becomes active. If something goes wrong, rolling back is just as easy; just switch back from green to blue.
The following diagram illustrates how blue-green deployments work using two deployments, two labels, and a single service that uses a label selector to switch from the blue deployment to the green deployment:

Figure 3.5: Blue-green deployment in practice
I totally ignored the storage and in-memory state in the previous discussion. This immediate switch assumes that blue and green are composed of stateless components only and share a common persistence layer.
If there were storage changes or breaking changes to the API accessible to external clients, then additional steps need to be taken. For example, if blue and green have their own storage, then all incoming requests may need to be sent to both blue and green, and green may need to ingest historical data from blue to get in sync before switching.
Canary deployments
Blue-green deployments are cool. However, there are times where a more nuanced approach is needed. Suppose you are responsible for a large distributed system with many users. The developers plan to deploy a new version of their service. They tested the new version of the service in the test and staging environments. But, the production environment is too complicated to be replicated one to one for testing purposes. This means there is a risk that the service will misbehave in production. That's where canary deployments shine.
The basic idea is to test the service in production, but in a limited capacity. This way, if something is wrong with the new version, only a small fraction of your users or a small fraction of requests will be impacted. This can be implemented very easily in Kubernetes at the pod level. If a service is backed up by 10 pods, then you deploy the new version and then only 10% of the requests will be routed by the service load balancer to the canary pod, while 90% of the requests will still be serviced by the current version.
The following diagram illustrates this approach:

Figure 3.6: Canary deployment in practice
There are more sophisticated ways to route traffic to a canary deployment using a service mesh. We will examine that in a later chapter (Chapter 14, Utilizing Service Meshes).
Let's address the hard problem of managing data-contract changes.
Managing data-contract changes
Data contracts describe how data is organized. It's an umbrella term for structure metadata. The most common example is a relational database schema. Other examples include network payloads, file formats, and even the content of string arguments or responses. If you have a configuration file, then this configuration file has both a file format (JSON, YAML, TOML, XML, INI, or a custom format) and some internal structure that describes what kind of hierarchy, keys, values, and data types are valid. Sometimes the data contract is explicit and sometimes it's implicit. Either way, you need to manage it carefully, or else you'll get runtime errors when code that's reading, parsing, or validating encounters data with an unfamiliar structure.
Migrating data
Data migration is a big deal. Many systems these days manage staggering amounts of data measured in terabytes, petabytes, or more. The amount of collected and managed data will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. The pace of data collection exceeds the pace of hardware innovation. The essential point is that if you have a lot of data and you need to migrate it, it can take a while. In a previous company, I oversaw a project to migrate close to 100 terabytes of data from one Cassandra cluster of a legacy system to another Cassandra cluster.
The second Cassandra cluster had a different schema and was accessed by a Kubernetes cluster 24/7. The project was very complicated, and thus it kept getting pushed back when urgent issues popped up. The legacy system was still in place side by side with the next-gen system long after the original estimate.
There were a lot of mechanisms in place to split the data and send it to both clusters, but then we ran into scalability issues with the new system and we had to address those before we could continue. The historical data was important, but it didn't have to be accessed with the same service level as recent hot data. So, we embarked on yet another project to send historical data to cheaper storage. That meant, of course, that client libraries or frontend services had to know how to query both stores and merge the results. When you deal with a lot of data, you can't take anything for granted. You run into scalability issues with your tools, your infrastructure, your third-party dependencies, and your processes. Moving to a large scale is not just a quantity change; it often means qualitative change as well. Don't expect it to go smoothly. It is much more than copying some files from A to B.
Deprecating APIs
API deprecation comes in two flavors: internal and external. Internal APIs are APIs used by components that are fully controlled by you and your team or organization. You can be sure that all API users will upgrade to the new API within a short time. External APIs are used by users or services outside your direct sphere of influence. There are a few gray-area situations when you work for a huge organization (think Google), and even internal APIs may need to be treated as external APIs. If you're lucky, all your external APIs are used by self-updating applications or through a web interface you control. In those cases, the API is practically hidden and you don't even need to publish it.
If you have a lot of users (or a few very important users) using your API, you should consider deprecation very carefully. Deprecating an API means you force your users to change their application to work with you or stay locked to an earlier version.
There are a few ways you can mitigate the pain:
- Don't deprecate. Extend the existing API or keep the previous API active. It is sometimes pretty simple, although it adds to the testing burden.
- Provide client libraries in all relevant programming languages to your target audience. This is always a good practice. It allows you to make many changes to the underlying API without disrupting users (as long as you keep the programming language interface stable).
- If you have to deprecate, explain why, allow ample time for users to upgrade, and provide as much support as possible (for example, an upgrade guide with examples). Your users will appreciate it.