Sometimes, a resource contains more data than is needed by the requester. In this case, the API should have the ability to filter elements in or out from the resource.
Filtering can be implemented as a query parameter that's named for the field to be filtered on. The value needs to be the value it needs to filter for. You can refer to the definition of filtering at https://jsonapi.org/recommendations/#filtering.
For example, the following is a request for all items associated with a particular order with a name of coffee:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[name]=coffee
Also, multiple filter values could be combined in a comma-separated list:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[name]=coffee,milk
Furthermore, multiple filters can also be applied to the same request as another filter:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[name]=coffee,milk&filter[category]=organic
There is also the possibility to include the following operators:
- in: Getting items within the range between 5 and 20:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=in:5,20
- nin: Getting items that are out of a range:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=nin:5,20
- neq: Getting items not matching a specific value:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[category]=neq:built-in
- gt: Getting items greater than a specific value:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=gt:5
- gte: Getting items greater than a specific value, inclusive:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=gte:5
- lt: Getting items lower than a specific value:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=lt:25
- lte: Getting items lower than a specific value, inclusive:
GET http://<HOST>/order/<id>/items?filter[size]=lte:25