Applied Deep Learning with Python

Introduction to Classification Algorithms

Recall the two types of supervised machine learning: regression and classification. In regression, we predict a continuous target variable. For example, recall the linear and polynomial models from the first chapter. In this chapter, we focus on the other type of supervised machine learning: classification. Here, the goal is to predict the class of a sample using the available metrics.

In the simplest case, there are only two possible classes, which means we are doing binary classification. This is the case for the example problem in this chapter, where we try to predict whether an employee has left or not. If we have more than two class labels instead, we are doing multi-class classification.

Although there is little difference between binary and multi-class classification when training models with scikit-learn, what's done inside the "black box" is notably different. In particular, multi-class classification models often use the one-versus-rest method. This works as follows for a case with three class labels. When the model is "fit" with the data, three models are trained, and each model predicts whether the sample is part of an individual class or part of some other class. This might bring to mind the one-hot encoding for features that we did earlier. When a prediction is made for a sample, the class label with the highest confidence level is returned.

In this chapter, we'll train three types of classification models: Support Vector Machines, Random Forests, and k-Nearest Neighbors classifiers. Each of these algorithms is quite different. As we will see, however, they are quite similar to train and use for predictions thanks to scikit-learn. Before swapping over to the Jupyter Notebook and implementing these, we'll briefly see how they work. SVM's attempt to find the best hyperplane to divide classes by. This is done by maximizing the distance between the hyperplane and the closest samples of each class, which are called support vectors.

This linear method can also be used to model nonlinear classes using the kernel trick. This method maps the features into a higher-dimensional space in which the hyper plane is determined. This hyperplane we've been talking about is also referred to as the decision surface, and we'll visualize it when training our models.

k-Nearest Neighbors classification algorithms memorize the training data and make predictions depending on the K nearest samples in the feature space. With three features, this can be visualized as a sphere surrounding the prediction sample. Often, however, we are dealing with more than three features and therefore hyperspheres are drawn to find the closest K samples.

Random Forests are an ensemble of decision trees, where each has been trained on different subsets of the training data.

A decision tree algorithm classifies a sample based on a series of decisions. For example, the first decision might be "if feature x_1 is less than or greater than 0." The data would then be split on this condition and fed into descending branches of the tree. Each step in the decision tree is decided based on the feature split that maximizes the information gain.

Essentially, this term describes the mathematics that attempts to pick the best possible split of the target variable.

Training a Random Forest consists of creating bootstrapped (that is, randomly sampled data with replacement) datasets for a set of decision trees. Predictions are then made based on the majority vote. These have the benefit of less overfitting and better generalizability.

Decision trees can be used to model a mix of continuous and categorical data, which makes them very useful. Furthermore, as we will see later in this chapter, the tree depth can be limited to reduce overfitting. For a detailed (but brief) look into the decision tree algorithm, check out this popular Stack Overflow answer: https://stackoverflow. com/a/1859910/3511819. There, the author shows a simple example and discusses concepts such as node purity, information gain, and entropy.