About the author
Nipun Jaswal is an International Cyber Security Author and an award-winning IT security researcher with a decade of experience in penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, surveillance and monitoring solutions, and RF and wireless hacking.
He has authored Metasploit Bootcamp, Mastering Metasploit, and Mastering Metasploit—Second Edition, and coauthored the Metasploit Revealed set of books. He has authored numerous articles and exploits that can be found on popular security databases, such as packet storm and exploit-db. Please feel free to contact him at @nipunjaswal.
At the very first, I would like to thank everyone who read the previous editions and made them a success. I would like to thank my mom, Mrs. Sushma Jaswal, and my grandmother, Mrs. Malkiet Parmar, for helping me out at every stage of my life. I would like to thank Sagar Rahalkar for reviewing my work and suggesting all the changes. I would like to thank the Almighty for providing me with the immense power to work on this project.