Ionic:Hybrid Mobile App Development

Ionic JS components

CSS is used for styling mobile components but JavaScript is used to write logic and create the user experience in a Hybrid App. Ionic has reusable Angular directives that help developers create smooth mobile-specific experiences. Apart from directives, Ionic also has controllers and services in its library to help create mobile-specific components. We will be discussing the most important components in this section of the chapter.

Actionsheet – $ionicActionSheet

The actionsheet component is a sliding panel that comes from the bottom and can contain multiple buttons intended to perform some actions in the Mobile App. This component has been inspired from the actionsheet component in iOS. $ionicActionSheet is a service in Ionic Library that can be injected in any controller and initiated using the show method.

The show method inputs a set of options mentioned in the following table to control the actionsheet component.


A new isolated scope is created when the show method is called.

The code for an example is as follows:

// Action Sheet Initialization using Properties
var sheetId = ${
  titleText: 'Manage Books',
  buttons: [ { text: '<b>Add New Book </b>' } ],
  cancelText: 'Cancel',
  destructiveText: 'Delete Book',
  cancel: function() {
    // code when cancel button is clicked
  buttonClicked: function(index) {
    //  code which is to be executed on button click

Backdrop - $ionicBackdrop

A backdrop is a transparent blackish UI screen that appears behind popups, loading, and other overlays. Multiple UI components require a backdrop, but only one backdrop appears in DOM. In order to use a backdrop, any component can call the retain method, and whenever its usage is over the component can call the release method.

The code for demonstrating its usage is as follows:

  //Show a backdrop for one second
  $scope.action = function() {
    $timeout(function() {
    }, 1000);

Form inputs

Apart from the normal input elements to take text format inputs, there are special form input directives for checkboxes, radio, and toggle. We have already discussed the CSS styles used for the same, but you can use directives themselves to achieve the functionality along with the style.

The <ion-checkbox> directive

This directive adds the required styles to a checkbox. It renders like a normal angular checkbox:

ion-checkbox ng-model="isChecked">Checkbox Label</ion-checkbox>

The <ion-radio> directive

The < ion-radio> directive is also used to style the radio input according to the mobile UI. In order to create a set of radio buttons, please give the same ng-model property to all and use ng-value to assign a value for a specific radio element:

<ion-radio ng-model="option" ng-value="'1'">Option 1</ion-radio>
<ion-radio ng-model="option" ng-value="'2'">Option 2</ion-radio>

The <ion-toggle> directive

This directive creates a toggle switch that can manipulate a boolean model:

<ion-toggle ng-model="isOpen" toggle-class='toggle-calm'>Open Drawer</ion-checkbox>

Gestures and events

In a Mobile App, gestures and events are very important in shaping the user experience. The event handling should be perfect and there should be a multitude of events available to developers for adding appropriate actions for different events. In Ionic Framework, there are different event directives that can be used to bind callbacks for those events. Also, there is an $ionicGesture service that can be used to programmatically bind the events with callbacks.

The $ionicGesture service

The methods available under the $ionicGesture service are given as follows.

The on method

It adds an event listener for a gesture on an element. The signature for the method is as follows:


The following table lists the details of each argument:

The method returns an ionic.Gesture object, which is used to detach the event later.

The off method

It removes an event listener for a gesture on an element. The signature for the method is as follows:


The following table lists the details of each arguments:

Gesture events

A list of gesture events available in Ionic Framework are given in the following table:


List is the most popular component used in any Mobile App. Generally, all the data displayed in a mobile view is in the form of a list. A list can have multiple list items representing rows. A list item can contain any content ranging from text to icons and custom elements.

The <ion-list> directive

This directive represents a list in Ionic Framework. This directive supports complex interactions such as drag to reorder, swipe to edit, and removing items. The <ion-list> directive can consist of one or more <ion-item> directives representing each row. There are other directives augmenting its functionality such as <ion-option-button> used for swipe to edit buttons, <ion-reorder-button> shown while reorder is enabled, and <ion-delete-button> shown while deleting a row item.

The attributes available for this directive are given in the following table:

The following code explains the usage :

// Example with complex Scenario
<ion-list ng-controller="AppCtrl"
  <ion-item ng-repeat="row in rows" class="item-thumbnail-left">
    <ion-option-button class="button-positive" ng-click="share(item)">
    <ion-option-button class="button-info" ng-click="edit(item)">
    <ion-delete-button class="ion-minus-circled" ng-click="items.splice($index, 1)">
    <ion-reorder-button class="ion-navicon" on-reorder="reorderItem(item, $fromIndex, $toIndex)">

Loading – $ionicLoading

$ionicLoading is an angular service that controls the display of an overlay representing a loader. The loading indicator can be configured by passing certain options to the show method of this service.

The following is the usage of this service:

// Sample Module
angular.module('MyApp', ['ionic'])
controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $ionicLoading) {
  $ = function() {
      template: 'Loading...'
  $scope.hide = function(){

The important options available to be passed to the show method are:

Modal – $ionicModal

This is a service that controls displaying a popup over the existing UI temporarily. It uses the <ion-modal-view> directive in its template to represent the modal DOM element. It is used for generally editing an item or showing a dialog box or a choice box. There are two methods available on the $ionicModal service, fromTemplate and fromTemplateUrl, which takes input as template string or template url respectively as a first parameter. The second argument to both methods is the options object, which is passed to the initialize method of the IonicModal controller instance.

The IonicModal controller

This is a controller instantiated by the $ionicModal service. The ionicModal method remove should be called after the use of the modal is over in order to avoid memory leaks.

The different methods available to this controller are as follows.


It creates a new modal controller instance. It takes as an argument an options object, which should contain the following properties:

  • scope (object): The scope to be a child of.
  • animation (string): The animation to show and hide. The default is slide-in-up.
  • focusFirstInput (boolean): The control whether to focus first input in modal or not.
  • backdropClickToClose (boolean): Whether to close modal on clicking backdrop.
  • hardwareBackButtonClose (boolean): The control to decide whether modal should be closed using hardware back button or not.
  • show(): This method is used to show the modal instance.
  • hide(): This method is used to hide the modal instance.
  • remove(): This method is used to remove the modal instance from memory.
  • isShown(): This method returns a boolean representing whether the modal is shown or not.

Popover – $ionicPopover

A Popover component is also modeled similarly to modal and has two objects, the $ionicPopover service and the ionicPopover controller. Popover is a view that floats above the app's content. Popover can be used to display extra information or take input for a choice. The content of a Popover needs to be put inside an <ion-popover-view> element.

The $ionicPopover service exposes similar methods such as the $ionicModal service—fromTemplate and fromTemplateUrl. The ionicPopover controller also has similar events to the ionicModal controller. The initialize method for this controller has the options object as input but it does not contain the property animation.

Spinner – ion-spinner

In a mobile UI or views, only a particular section of view needs to be refreshed or loaded and a spinner/loader needs to be displayed in that section. <ion-spinner> is a directive that displays loader icons. There are multiple available icons such as spiral, ripple, dots, lines, and so on. The theme colors for Ionic can also be used along with using class names such as spinner-<theme>.

The following is the usage of this directive:

<ion-spinner icon="spiral spinner-calm"></ion-spinner>