To my wife Dara and my children, Micah and Angelina, thank you for your support in this project. You've patiently endured this obsession without complaining or killing me in my sleep. To mom and dad, thanks for the cheerleading even though you had no idea what this book is about.
Thank you to Andy Vabulas, Dwight Specht, and Clinton Weldon at I.B.I.S. for your support of this book. Without your openness to this project it never would have happened. To Abby, Troy, Ross, and all the other I.B.I.S. consultants who listened to me drone on about how the book was progressing, you have both my apologies and my thanks for your encouragement.
I owe a debt of gratitude to the kind folks at the Hampton Inn in Mt. Airy, NC. The majority of this book was written there while working on a Dynamics GP project. The hotel is staffed with some of the nicest people that you will ever meet and they were happy to fuel this book with great rooms and Diet Mt. Dew.
Much of this book was written on an Acer netbook. Without the small size and long battery life of the netbook, Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 Cookbook would never have been finished on time.
To everyone else who has offered encouragement throughout this project, you have my thanks. To those who have been less than encouraging, I hope you someday decide to write a book.