[词语]to beat around/about the bush
[趣释]【物事喻指】古代英国猎人用语。据说许多世纪以来,英国贵族围猎时要派遣仆人、随从用树枝抽打树丛(bush),惊吓可能潜藏树丛中的猎物,待它们四处逃窜时,贵族乘机用弓箭或猎枪射杀。起初“抽打树丛”(to beat around/about the bush)表示自己费力,让别人获利;现在用来喻指拐弯抹角、旁敲侧击、说话兜圈子。英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)在其小说《老古玩店》(The Old Curiosity shop)中就引用了这个典故。
[运用]Not to beat about the bush…what's to prevent your marrying her?我也不必拐弯抹角了……你为什么不能娶她?(狄更斯语)
If you've got bad news, don't beat about the bush;come straight to the point. 要是听到了坏消息,用不着拐弯抹角,直截了当地谈吧。
He would not answer yes or no, but beat around the bush. 他不直接回答是或不是,而是兜圈子。
Why do you always beat around the bush while speaking? 你这个人说起话来怎么总喜欢绕弯子?