[词语]to bark up the wrong tree
[趣释]【物象喻指】猎犬(hunting dog)会主动驱赶、追踪猎物。一旦发现猎物藏身的地方,它便会狂犬不止。据英国、法国等欧洲流传的狩猎故事说,猎人们带着猎犬在夜晚寻觅浣熊的踪迹。一旦发现浣熊,猎犬群起围攻,将浣熊赶到大树上,然后在树下狂吠,引导猎人捕猎。偶尔,猎犬也会出错,朝没有浣熊的树狂叫不止,引得猎人白忙一阵。后来,人们就用狗“吠错了大树”(to bark up the wrong tree)来喻指精力花在不该花的地方,错怪了人,攻错了目标。
[运用]If he thinks he can fool me, he is barking up the wrong tree. 要是他以为骗得了我,那就认错了人。
If Tom expects to borrow money from me, he is barking up the wrong tree. 如果汤姆想向我借钱的话,那他是找错了对象。
If you think that, you are barking up the wrong tree altogether. 你要是那样想,你就大错特错了。
Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree. 也许我错怪了人。