The Child's History of Art books were developed by Virgil M. Hillyer and completed by Edward G.Huey.Baltimore's Calvert School and its students constituted Hillyer's life work.Hillyer grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts.Two years after graduating from Harvard in 1897,he took on what would become the defining challenge of his professional life.As a young man of only twenty-four years, he became Head Master of seventy-one students at Calvert School and embarked on a career filled with innovation and forward thinking.
Within the first few years of Hillyer's leadership, the student body had grown so large that a new building was built. It was a model of educational planning designed to suit the needs of students, with an assembly room for plays and ceremonies, an art room, and a roof garden for fresh air and exercise.It was also during the early years of Calvert School's history, in 1906,that Hillyer envisioned and began the Home Instruction program, which is still educating thousands of children around the world.
Hillyer was a visionary in many ways. Always a teacher at heart, he was responsible for establishing the educational principles and practices still in place today at Calvert School.By the time classes began to be held in the third and present building in 1924,he was a respected author of educational philosophy and children's histories, including the Child's History of Art series.He was also a world traveler, a mentor for his teachers, and a
leader in educational theory.During his thirty-two years as Head Master, Virgil Hillyer led Calvert School with enthusiasm and principles that continue to inspire students today.
Edward G. Huey held the positions of teacher and Assistant Head Master from 1924 until 1959.Considered to be one of Calvert School's most unforgettable teachers, Huey taught science and art and ran the assembly programs.He often drew pictures for students at lunch and recess.Huey, a teacher with much imagination and talent, had worked with Hillyer for seven years, and upon the death of Hillyer, he completed the Child's History of Art books in Hillyer's own style.
While carrying out the most recent revision of the Child's History of Art series, Calvert was fortunate to have the Walters Art Museum as a wonderful resource. William Thompson Walters amassed an extensive collection of French art of the nineteenth century and Asian decorative arts that became the foundation for the development of the Walters Art Museum.
Walters was born in a small town in Pennsylvania in 1819. With no formal education, he was trained as a metallurgist but moved to Baltimore as a young man in search of fortune.In the booming business world of mid-nineteenth century Baltimore, Walters prospered as a businessman through railroad investments.Walters opened his house several times a year to visitors for a fee, bringing his art to the public.The fees were donated to charity, and these annual openings became quite popular.
When William Walters died in 1894,his son, Henry, carried on his interest in art and expanded the scope of the collection. During the time Hillyer was bringing innovative
ideas to education at Calvert School, Henry Walters was beginning a three-decade period of purchasing art representing Old Kingdom Egypt to Art Nouveau.In 1931,the Walters’home and contents were bequeathed to the city of Baltimore, and the Walters Art Gallery, now the Walters Art Museum, opened to the public in 1934.
For those of you who are planning to visit Calvert School-the school that developed through the vision of Virgil Hillyer-we recommend that you also visit the Walters Art Museum, whose founders believed that a museum was a place of learning for people of all ages and that a great community needed-along with great schools, libraries, symphonies, and theaters-great museums.
Calvert School was assisted in the revision of the Child's History of Art series by two experienced teachers. John Patterson first began his career as a teacher at Calvert School.He credits Calvert with providing the framework and foundation for his vocation as an educator.With a lifelong love of art, he has traveled extensively with his students to see works of art firsthand.Elana Vikan is a high school teacher of art history at a local private school.She has studied and traveled abroad on academic programs that helped expand her knowledge of art, languages, and culture.
Together John Patterson and Elana Vikan have drawn upon their experience as they edited and updated the text first written by Hillyer and Huey. We are grateful for their expertise and that of the Walters Art Museum and its staff, particularly of Gary Vikan, its director.