07 凯茜·伍德看好中国科技颠覆者

全文共641个词,By Selena Li
Cathie Wood, founder of Ark Investment Management, has thrown her support behind the growth prospects of China’s tech disrupters, despite recent headwinds that have wiped months of gains from tech shares.
方舟投资管理公司(Ark Investment Management)创始人凯茜·伍德(Cathie Wood)表示看好中国科技颠覆者的增长前景,尽管最近的不利因素抹去了科技股数月的涨幅。
Wood, who has risen to investment stardom over the past year by earning huge profits from heavy bets on Tesla and other fast-growing US tech giants, spoke to the audience of an online webinar in March, alongside Li Yimei, Beijing-based chief executive of China Asset Management.
过去一年,伍德通过对特斯拉(Tesla)等快速增长的美国科技巨头的大举投资获得了巨额利润,一跃成为投资明星。3月份伍德出席了一个在线研讨会并发表了讲话,同时出席的还有常驻北京的华夏基金管理公司(China Asset Management)总经理李一梅。
She highlighted the rise of “disruptive innovation platforms” in China rather than individual companies, which she believes to be the more fundamental forces for exponential growth, including DNA sequencing, robotics, energy storage, artificial intelligence and blockchain. “The US has had a huge lead in a lot of innovation over the years. But now countries are competing with us,” she said.

“Competition in technology is a really good thing, in terms of moving the technology forward faster than otherwise would have been the case,” Wood added.
Wood outlined the example of China seemingly lagging behind in DNA sequencing for years, but as market-leading US company Illumina did not push costs down aggressively enough, this opened the market up to competition.
“Other companies will come in and take its place, and I think China is doing a good job in that regard,” she said.

Wood also added that demographic forces were bringing collaborative robots to the forefront in China, just as they did in Japan. “We’re seeing a lot more robots and more productivity, which is good for the entire economy,” she said.
She added that China’s technology capabilities in terms of AI and microchips had been strengthened through collaboration between the government and the private sector, and that she was “very impressed” with China’s focus on electric vehicles, both from an environmental and technological point of view.
“I’m very impressed that China allows Tesla into the country without a local manufacturer. It is so determined to have electric vehicles proliferate throughout China,” she said.
ARK IM’s flagship $20bn Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK) delivered a staggering 152 per cent return throughout 2020. About 10 per cent of the fund’s assets are in Tesla, which shot up from $84 at the beginning of 2020 to $749 at year-end.
方舟200亿美元的旗舰基金“方舟创新ETF”(Ark Innovation ETF)在2020年全年实现了152%的惊人回报率。该基金约10%的资产投资于特斯拉,这只股票从2020年初的84美元飙升至年底的749美元。

Meanwhile, China AMC’s Li, the country’s largest ETF issuer with close to one quarter of the market share, said during the event that China’s A-shares had been dragged down by the correction seen in the US.
Two of ChinaAMC’s most successful ETF launches last year quickly amassed assets to become among the largest 10 ETFs in China, which has traditionally been dominated by broad-market ETF strategies rather than themed products.
The ChinaAMC 5G ETF and ChinaAMC semiconductor ETF attracted Rmb20.96bn ($3.2bn) and Rmb23.87bn respectively from Chinese investors by year-end.
However, the 5G ETF and semiconductor ETF suffered from steep price falls after their peak in mid January.
“A-shares [have] been quite volatile and affected by the US market recently,” Li said.

“It’s not a surprise for us that the markets always have such a medium-sized adjustment, especially given that in the past two years, we also have huge gains on the top names,” she added.
ChinaAMC is planning to roll out more thematic ETFs covering new materials, Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and smart automobiles, in addition to some active fund products that offer similar exposure in parallel with the passive line-up, according to Li.
The head of the Chinese ETF powerhouse said the new energy theme would continue to serve as a growth driver in China as it had been prioritised in the state strategic plan for the next four decades.