第222章 不是所有事情都要有意义
Not Everything Has to Be Meaningful
By Brad Stulberg
In 2017, I was blindsided by the sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder and secondary depression. It was a terrifying and disorienting ordeal. I had always been— and to a large extent, still am— an optimistic, growth-oriented and meaning-seeking person. Part of what I found so confounding about the experience was how utterly meaningless it felt.
Four months into my recovery, I shared my concerns with my therapist.“Why does what you are experiencing right now need to have some greater purpose?“ she asked me.“Not everything has to be meaningful and you don't have to grow from it. Why can't it just suck, at least for the time being?“
A large body of psychology research shows that constructs such as growth mind-set, gratitude and construing meaning out of struggle can promote well-being. However, there are times when what you are going through is so painful, vexing and void of purpose that trying to adhere to these constructs hinders, rather than helps, your healing.
As I found, sometimes simply focusing on showing up and getting through is more than enough. That's not to say we ought to wallow in despair or become nihilistic. Pain and suffering are often followed by meaning, but they have to arrive on their own schedule. In other words, when you are in the thick of pain or struggle, meaning can feel elusive, and trying to force it usually backfires. But with time and distance, meaning often emerges, even when you least expect it.
It seems then, that the most important thing to do when in the midst of a life upheaval is to release yourself from any expectations altogether. Be patient and be kind to yourself. Seek help and social support. Do what you can to hold onto the fact that what feels like forever now probably won't in the future. If you find immediate meaning and growth in your experience, that's great. But if not, that's OK, too.