I really like May because the weather is perfectly nice and warm and everything is thriving. There are also plenty of fresh herbs available.
在我父亲的家乡阿布鲁佐大区的Teramo镇,有一款传统汤肴,是用很多谷物和火腿一起熬制而成的,叫做“Virtù di Maggio”,它的字面意思就是“五月的美德”。相传,这款汤是用来进奉给Maja女神以祈求丰收的。传说中这款汤的食谱中需要7种豆、7种香草、7种肉、7种意面、7种时令蔬菜,还需要烹饪7小时,因为“7”代表了人类的美德。如果你在五月来到Teramo旅行,你便可以品尝到这道时刻提醒着我要记住意大利祖辈们为了信仰虔诚准备、精心烹饪的著名汤品。
In my father's hometown, Teramo in Abruzzo, there is a traditional soup made with grains and ham trimmings. It is called"Virtù di Maggio", literally meaning"the virtues of May". The soup honours the goddess Maja, who makes the harvest more fertile. The legendary recipe calls for seven legumes, seven herbs, seven meats, seven pasta shapes, and seven seasonal vegetables, and is cooked for seven hours because there are seven human virtues. If you travel to Teramo during this time of year, you should definitely try this well-known dish which my Italian ancesters prepared to show their faith.
May 13th is also an important day because it's my birthday!Although I haven't been able to spend my birthday with my family for a long time, I can still remember how I spent my birthday with them when I was a child. I am the youngest child in my family, and I have two elder sisters who love me very much. My eldest sister Paola is good at cooking, especially baking cakes. Even to this day, my wife and I regard her cakes as the best. Every year, my family would gather together on my birthday, and Paola would make me a birthday cake. I really miss those days.
Insalata Nizzarda
Tuna, Quail Egg and Green Bean Salad
Virtú di Maggio
Bean and Ham Soup
Ravioli Burrata, spinacie Parmigiano Reggiano
Burrata Ravioli with Spinach and Parmigiano Reggiano
Pollo alla Cacciatora
Braised Chicken with Mixed Mushrooms
Pastiera Napoletana
Neapolitan Ricotta Cake