

1.1.Museum of the City of New York.The Byron Collection;

1.2.Museum of the City of New York.The Byron Collection;

1.3.Courtesy of George Eastman House.

1.4.© Culver Pictures.

1.5.© Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts/ARS,New York.Photo by Billy Name/OvoWorks,Inc.

1.6.We Don't Need Another Hero,Barbara Kruger,1987.Commissioned and produced by Artangel.

1.7.© 2008 Jenny Holzer,member Artists Rights Society(ARS),New York.Photo Lisa Kahane,NYC.

2.1.Courtesy of Bob Thorne.

2.3.© Atlas of Cyberspace.Martin Dodge and Rob Kitchin.Harlow,UK:Pearson Education Limited,2001.

2.4.City of News,1997.A dynamically growing 3D Web browser created by Flavia Sparacino at MIT.

3.1.Creating Defensible Space was originally published by the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Office of Policy Development and Research.Reproduced here with the Department's permission.

4.1.Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center,The University of Texas at Austin.Courtesy the Estate of Edith Lutyens Bel Geddes.Photo courtesy of the Estate of Margaret Bourke-White.

4.2.Le Corbusier.Paris:Plan Voisin 1925.© FLC/ARS,2008.

4.3.© 2008 Alex S.MacLean/Landslides.

4.4.Photo by Irfan Khan.© 2002,Los Angeles Times.Reprinted with Permission;4.5 RKD,The Hague.

5.1.Image by Corbis.

5.2.© Steve Raymer/Corbis.


《曼哈顿中转站》引用已经得到版权所有人和受让人露西·多斯·帕索斯·科金许可。第一章前两部分的早期版本,如《从物之城到符号之城:德莱塞〈嘉莉妹妹〉和多斯·帕索斯〈曼哈顿中转站〉中城市空间和城市主体》发表于《20世纪文学》52:4(2006年冬季卷)中。第三章的一部分早期版本中以题为《堡垒和城邦:从后现代城市到网络空间和返回》发表于萨莉·R.蒙特(Sally R.M)编辑的《技术空间:新媒体内幕》(London:Continuum,2001)。第四章第三节以题为《都市自由流动:公园诗学》发表于M/C Journal 9.3(2006)。