01 美国将恢复受理工作签证

全文共406个词,By Aime Williams in Washington
The Biden administration will resume issuing visas to overseas workers after allowing a Trump-era ban to expire, in a further easing of coronavirus pandemic immigration restrictions.
Former president Donald Trump banned new issuances of worker visas commonly used by multinational businesses last year in a bid to force companies to hire American workers amid the pandemic, with unemployment levels having soared. That ban expired on Wednesday.
在失业率飙升的情况下,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)去年禁止发放跨国企业常用的工作签证,以迫使企业在疫情期间雇佣美国工人。这一禁令已于周三到期。
The state department confirmed on Thursday that it would begin processing applications for the previously suspended visas, and asked people who had been rejected because of the presidential ban to reapply.

It added, however, that US embassies and consulates were still only providing “mission critical” visa services, and they were being offered on a “post by post” basis.
然而,美国国务院补充称,美国大使馆和领事馆目前仍只提供“关键任务”(mission critical)签证服务,而且将以“逐个邮寄”的方式提供这些服务。
Trump’s visa ban affected a range of visas including categories J, which are used by au pairs, L and H-1B, which are widely used by big US tech groups. The ban was opposed by US business groups, who criticised it as harmful to the economy.
The US Chamber of Commerce and National Association of Manufacturers sued the Trump administration over the ban, and won a temporary stay late last year to stop it from being enforced while the case proceeded. Lawyers said the decision applied only narrowly and the majority of companies were not benefiting from it.
美国商会(US Chamber of Commerce)和美国全国制造商协会(National Association of Manufacturers)就该禁令对特朗普政府提起诉讼,并于去年年底赢得了一道暂缓令,以阻止该禁令在案件审理期间强制执行。律师表示,这一决定仅适用于极少数公司,多数公司未能从中受益。

Immigration lawyers had called on Biden to actively rescind the worker visa ban, instead of simply allowing it to lapse. However, while the president has made immigration reform a legislative priority,his early moves focused on helping asylum seekers and refugees.
Early executive orders on immigration included halting the building of a border wall with Mexico and setting up a task force to reunite children and parents separated at the southern border.
Biden has recently been criticised by lawmakers for the number of children being held in US custody at the border after he suspended another Trump-era rule that allowed for the immediate expulsion of unaccompanied minors who crossed into the country.
Last month, Biden reversed a Trump ban on the issuance of new green cards, saying that preventing lawful permanent residents from joining their families in the US was harmful to the country.
“It also harms industries in the United States that utilise talent from around the world,” Biden said.
Despite the lapsing of the ban, travel bans related to Covid-19 remain in place, meaning most foreign people cannot travel to the US.