02 BioNTech/辉瑞疫苗对青少年安全有效

全文共321个词, By Peter Campbell
Pfizer and BioNTech said their Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective for 12- to 15-year-olds, and the companies plan to push for emergency use authorisation for that age group in the US and Europe.
A phase 3 trial showed 100 per cent efficacy in the prevention of symptomatic Covid-19, and “robust”antibody responses exceeding those reported from vaccine trials involving older individuals aged 16 to 25, the drugmakers said.
The companies aim to receive authorisation in time for children to start getting vaccinated for the next school year, said Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive.
辉瑞首席执行官艾伯乐(Albert Bourla)表示,两家公司力求及早获得为未成年人接种的授权,以便让他们在迎接下一个学年之际开始接种疫苗。

“We share the urgency to expand the authorisation of our vaccine to use in younger populations and are encouraged by the clinical trial data,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.
The clinical trial of 2,260 adolescents in the US is the first to show how the jab would work on younger school-age children as officials seek to get students back into classrooms as quickly as possible. The BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine is already authorised for people aged over 16.
There were 18 Covid-19 cases among adolescents enrolled in the trial who received placebo shots. None who received the vaccine were infected.

“The initial results we have seen in the adolescent studies suggest that children are particularly well protected by vaccination, which is very encouraging given the trends we have seen in recent weeks regarding the spread of the B.1.1.7 UK variant,” said Ugur Sahin, chief executive and co-founder of BioNTech.
“我们在青少年研究中看到的初步结果似乎表明,未成年人从疫苗接种获得特别好的保护;鉴于最近几周我们看到的B.1.1.7英国变种的蔓延趋势,这非常令人鼓舞,” BioNTech首席执行官和联合创始人乌尔·沙欣(Ugur Sahin)表示。
Side effects were consistent with those reported from a trial involving 16- to 25-year-olds, the companies said.
The two companies plan to submit their data to regulators at both the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency to request emergency authorisation.
Pfizer and BioNTech last week began administering doses in their first trial of children aged 11 and under. The vaccine could ultimately be tested on babies as young as six months old.